The Dialogue Project was established in 2019 with a unique hypothesis: that businesses, as one of the few places where people of different cultural, racial and political orientations work together to solve problems, have unique and largely untapped …

The Dialogue Project was established in 2019 with a unique hypothesis: that businesses, as one of the few places where people of different cultural, racial and political orientations work together to solve problems, have unique and largely untapped skills that can help our civic discussions become not only more civil but also more useful so that we can actually solve longstanding problems.


In just its first year, The Dialogue Project produced a well-received report that included important research from Morning Consult, observations on the role of business from globally recognized CEOs, and valuable case studies of programs being undertaken by businesses that could, with adequate funding and nurturing, be expanded to play a bigger role in our society.

Today, The Dialogue Project carries on its important work with a home in the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. The future is exciting.

The potential for greater impact given a home at Duke includes:

  • Expand research and related efforts to broaden the scope and effectiveness of the business-based programs described in the case studies, as well as others like them.

  • Conduct conferences and symposia on reconstructing public dialogue that is not merely civil but constructive.

  • Contribute to curriculum and research opportunities in several interrelated academic disciplines, including business, communications, political science, and sociology.

  • Generate content based on research and other activities that will generate favorable media attention.